Bitumen VG 10
The characteristics of this grade confirm to that of S 90 grade of IS-73. This is the softest of all grades available in India. This is suitable for low volume roads and is usually used in cold places.
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The characteristics of this grade confirm to that of S 90 grade of IS-73. This is the softest of all grades available in India. This is suitable for low volume roads and is usually used in cold places.
This grade is harder than VG10 and can withstand higher traffic loads. The characteristics of this grade confirm to that of S 65 grade of IS- 73. It is presently used mainly in construction of National Highways & State Highways.
This is the hardest of all the grades and can withstand very heavy traffic loads. The characteristics of this grade confirm to that of S 35 grade of IS-73. Bitumen VG40 is used in specialized applications like airport runways and also in very heavy traffic volume roads in coastal cities in the country.
The new method of grading the product has now rested on the viscosity of the Bitumen (at 60ºC and 135ºC). The new grades have thus evolved with nomenclature.